If you are looking for a high-quality product without causing a lot of damage to your wallet, The FirePower OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W Modular High Performance Power Supply compatible with Intel Sandy Bridge Core i3 i5 i7 and AMD Phenom is one that you should have. The FirePower OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W Modular High Performance Power Supply compatible with Intel Sandy Bridge Core i3 i5 i7 and AMD Phenom is a great product and we are pleased with its quality. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
FirePower OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W Modular High Performance Power Supply compatible with Intel Sandy Bridge Core i3 i5 i7 and AMD Phenom Features
Please read product description before you decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- OCZ PowerWhisper Technology
- Internal 135mm fan
- SLI Certified
- 3 year warranty backed by OCZ's exclusive
The ModXStream Pro Series is the superlative solution for driving today's gaming systems, and is NVIDIA SLI certified to power dual graphics. Professional-grade yet designed with gamers and modders in mind, this PSU is stable, robust, and sports a sleek look and compact form factor. Kept ultra-cool with a load-controlled 135mm fan, the ModXStream Pro was engineered to run whisper quiet in your PC. 80+ Certified, featuring up to 86% efficiency at typical load, this leading-edge power supply remains rock solid and powerful while retaining superior efficiency under load.
Cheap FirePower OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W Modular High Performance Power Supply compatible with Intel Sandy Bridge Core i3 i5 i7 and AMD Phenom
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