If you are looking for a high quality product, then The SI-A400M2 400-Watt PS2 PS3 Micro ATX Power Supply ATX12V V2.0 Upgrade for Bestec is one that we recommend for you. The SI-A400M2 400-Watt PS2 PS3 Micro ATX Power Supply ATX12V V2.0 Upgrade for Bestec is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
SI-A400M2 400-Watt PS2 PS3 Micro ATX Power Supply ATX12V V2.0 Upgrade for Bestec Features
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- HIGH POWER SI-A400M2 is officially certified by UL, cUL, as well as TUV for safety. FCC certified for EMI free operation. Lead-Free safe
- Meets and exceeds original OEM specifications and performance. Supports Intel P3, P4, Celeron, AMD Athlon 64, Athlon, Thunderbird, XP, Duron systems. Upgrade Replacement Power Supply for ACBel API-7675, ACBel API-8541, Astec AA20360
- Upgrade for Bestec: ATS-100 / ATS-150 / ATX-1953D / ATX-1956D / ATX-1956D B1 / ATX-1956-B1/ ATX 1956-B1 / ATX-1956D B2 /ATX-1956F / ATX-1951D / ATX-250-12Z / ATX-250-12E / ATX-250-12E REV:P7 / ATX-300-12Z / ATX-300-12E / ATX-300-12EB3
- Upgrade Replacement for HP power supply part # 0950-2700, 0950-2800, 0950-3426, 0950-3623, 0950-3751, 0950-3961, 0950-4097, 0950-4106, 0950-4107, 0950-4270, 5185-2974, and 5187-4874.
- Upgrade for Hipro HP-P1457F3 HP-146SSA HP-146SSC HP-150CLFA6 HP-A2027F3 HP-A2317F3, LITEON: PS-5101-2 / PS-5101-2B / PS-5151-2 /PS-5151-6 / PS-6151-6 PS-5151-2H3 / PS-6151-6C2 / PS-6161-2 / PS-6161-2 / PS-6161-2H / PS-6161-2H1 / PS-6251-01
HIGH POWER® SI-A400M2 meets and exceeds original OEM specifications and performance. Supports Intel Celeron / Pentium® 3 / 4 processors and Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo Processor Systems. Supports AMD Athlon 64, Athlon, Thunderbird, XP, Duron systems.
Upgrade Replacement Power Supply for
ACBel API-7675, ACBel API-8541
Astec AA20360
Bestec: ATS-100 / ATS-150 / ATX-1953D / ATX-1956D / ATX-1956D B1 / ATX-1956-B1/ ATX 1956-B1 / ATX-1956D B2 /ATX-1956F / ATX-1951D / ATX-250-12Z / ATX-250-12E / ATX-300-12Z / ATX-300-12E
Delta DPS-110-1, Delta DPS-145PB-112, Delta DPS-160GB, Delta DPS-200PB-74 B
Dell NPS-250KB-B (NPS-250KB) HP-P2507F3C / HP-P2507F3CP / HP-P2507F3P / HP-P2507FWP / HP-P2007F3 / DPS-200PB-146B
HIGH POWER SI-C145M2 SI-X145M2 SI-X145M3 SI-X145 SI-A200M2 SI-C200M2 SI-A250M2 SI-A300M3 HPC-250-101 HPC-250-102 HPC-300-101 HPC-300-102 HPC-340-101 HPC-360-102
Hipro HP-P1457F3 HP-146SSA HP-146SSC HP-150CLFA6 HP-A2027F3 HP-A2317F3
IBM 20L2166
In Win IPS-1806CV-60, In Win IW-P180B2-0, In Win IW-P180BX-0, In Win IW-P180BX-1, In Win LPS-1806DV-20
LITEON: PS-5101-2 / PS-5101-2B / PS-5151-2 /PS-5151-6 / PS-6151-6 PS-5151-2H3 / PS-6151-6C2 / PS-6161-2 / PS-6161-2 / PS-6161-2H / PS-6161-2H1 / PS-6251-01
Cheap SI-A400M2 400-Watt PS2 PS3 Micro ATX Power Supply ATX12V V2.0 Upgrade for Bestec
Cheap SI-A400M2 400-Watt PS2 PS3 Micro ATX Power Supply ATX12V V2.0 Upgrade for Bestec
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