If you are looking for a great product at an unbeatable price, then The M3-ATX, 125w output, 6v to 24v wide input Robust and Intelligent Automotive DC-DC Car PC Power Supply is one that is worth buying. The M3-ATX, 125w output, 6v to 24v wide input Robust and Intelligent Automotive DC-DC Car PC Power Supply is a excellent product and we are pleased with its quality. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
M3-ATX, 125w output, 6v to 24v wide input Robust and Intelligent Automotive DC-DC Car PC Power Supply Features
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Plug-In Smart car PC PSU 125 Watts (150watt peak)
- Programmable timing settings; Intelligent shutdown controller
- ON/OFF motherboard control; Battery discharge prevention
- Survives vehicle engine cranks
- "Anti-Thump" Amplifier remote control
Intelligent Automotive / Car DC-DC ATX PC Power Supply
Plug-In Smart car PC PSU
- 125 Watts (150watt peak) PSU
- 20pin ATX, 6-24V wide input range
- Programmable timing settings
- Intelligent shutdown controller
- ON/OFF motherboard control
- Survives vehicle engine cranks
- Battery deep discharge prevention
- High efficiency, 125 watts output
- "Anti-Thump" Amplifier remote control
- < 0.5mA standby current
- Solid Polymer capacitors, Japan
- VIA, Intel and AMD CPU support
- manufactured by mini-- ROHS compliant version
- US Pat. no 7,539,023
M3-ATX is an intelligent, high power, vehicle (car / boat / electric cart) DC-DC ATX PC power supply designed for car pc or battery powered applications. Designed to provide power and to control the ON/OFF switch of a motherboard (car PC) based on ignition status, M3-ATX is a wide input (6 to 24V) vehicle / car / battery operated ATX power supply capable of surviving tough car engine cranks (down to 6V) as well as transient over-voltage situations. Just connect it to your car / boat / RV / solar battery and power up your PC!
M3-ATX is based on similar electrical similar design as M2-ATX but with dramatic size reductions (picoPSU plug-in style).
By using Patent Pending HyperWatt[TM] technologies, M3-ATX packs an impressive amount of power relative with its very small footprint. M3-ATX has several key advantages over traditional power supplies:
- Very small, can build ultra-compact PC enclosures and slim server enclosures.
- Programmable shutdown / sleep modes via optional serial cable.
- Fits any motherboard equipped with a 20 or 24pin ATX connector.
- 100% silent, fanless, no moving parts.
- Operates from 6-24V, multi-chemistry batteries supported.
- Highly efficient design, does not produce a lot of heat.
- Ideal for low power Intel Core Duo as well as all VIA or AMD processors.
Firmware on the M3-ATX can be changed to accommodate different behaviours. OEM / reseller integration is welcome.
Cheap M3-ATX, 125w output, 6v to 24v wide input Robust and Intelligent Automotive DC-DC Car PC Power Supply
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