![Genuine Dell G848G 350w Power Supply PSU For Inspiron 530, 531 Vostro 200, 400 Studio 540 Part Numbers: FU909, FU913, G739T, G846G, G848G, G849G, J130T, K159T, K692G, P111G, P112G, Compatible Model Numbers: DPS-530YB-1A, PS-6351-2, DPS-350XB-2 A, ATX0350D5WA](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-9CzGeFmAQuE/U21BePIXRrI/AAAAAAAADAI/YEQ1vFEpm54/51zP5ymc0LL._SL500_.jpg)
Are you looking for a great product? then The Genuine Dell G848G 350w Power Supply PSU For Inspiron 530, 531 Vostro 200, 400 Studio 540 Part Numbers: FU909, FU913, G739T, G846G, G848G, G849G, J130T, K159T, K692G, P111G, P112G, Compatible Model Numbers: DPS-530YB-1A, PS-6351-2, DPS-350XB-2 A, ATX0350D5WA is one that we recommend for you. The Genuine Dell G848G 350w Power Supply PSU For Inspiron 530, 531 Vostro 200, 400 Studio 540 Part Numbers: FU909, FU913, G739T, G846G, G848G, G849G, J130T, K159T, K692G, P111G, P112G, Compatible Model Numbers: DPS-530YB-1A, PS-6351-2, DPS-350XB-2 A, ATX0350D5WA is a great product and we are pleased with its quality. Most people who have purchased and bought this product are very impressed with the quality results. With its budget-friendly price and stunning features, this is definitely a great buy for people who are looking a high quality product that their budget can afford.
Genuine Dell G848G 350w Power Supply PSU For Inspiron 530, 531 Vostro 200, 400 Studio 540 Part Numbers: FU909, FU913, G739T, G846G, G848G, G849G, J130T, K159T, K692G, P111G, P112G, Compatible Model Numbers: DPS-530YB-1A, PS-6351-2, DPS-350XB-2 A, ATX0350D5WA Features
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Genuine Dell 350w Power Supply
- For Inspiron 530, 531 Vostro 200, 400 Studio 540 Systems
- 100-127V or 200-240V Input
- Connectors - 1x 24-Pin ATX Power, 1x 4-Pin ATX Power, 4x 15-pin SATA, 1x 6-Pin PCI Power, 1x 4-Pin Floppy Power
- Compatible Dell Part Numbers: FU909, FU913, G739T, G846G, G848G, G849G, J130T, K159T, K692G, P111G, P112G
Genuine Dell 350w Power Supply For Inspiron 530, 531 Vostro 200, 400 Studio 540 Systems.
Buyer will receive one of the following compatible part/model numbers:FU909, FU913, G739T, G846G, G848G, G849G, J130T, K159T, K692G, P111G, P112G. Compatible Model Numbers: DPS-530YB-1A, PS-6351-2, DPS-350XB-2 A, ATX0350D5WA.
1x 24-pin ATX Power Connector;
1x 4-pin ATX Power Connector;
1x 6-pin PCI-e Power Connector;
4x SATA Power Connectors;
1x Floppy Drive Power Connector.
Cheap Genuine Dell G848G 350w Power Supply PSU For Inspiron 530, 531 Vostro 200, 400 Studio 540 Part Numbers: FU909, FU913, G739T, G846G, G848G, G849G, J130T, K159T, K692G, P111G, P112G, Compatible Model Numbers: DPS-530YB-1A, PS-6351-2, DPS-350XB-2 A, ATX0350D5WA
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