![KENTEK 700 Watt 700W 120MM Blue LED Fan Guard Grill Glossy Black ATX Power Supply Dual 12V Rails 2.3 EPS12V 2.92 PCI-E PCI-Express 6/8 Pin SATA 20/24 PIN Gaming Intel AMD by KENTEK](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-M1v0g0Gzs7I/U21B0MeF23I/AAAAAAAADCw/ICEBAUfAG3g/415xzH9ZSTL._SL500_.jpg)
There are lots of great products on the market, The KENTEK 700 Watt 700W 120MM Blue LED Fan Guard Grill Glossy Black ATX Power Supply Dual 12V Rails 2.3 EPS12V 2.92 PCI-E PCI-Express 6/8 Pin SATA 20/24 PIN Gaming Intel AMD by KENTEK is one that you should have. The KENTEK 700 Watt 700W 120MM Blue LED Fan Guard Grill Glossy Black ATX Power Supply Dual 12V Rails 2.3 EPS12V 2.92 PCI-E PCI-Express 6/8 Pin SATA 20/24 PIN Gaming Intel AMD by KENTEK is a great product that everyone can invest on. Most people who have purchased and bought this product are very impressed with the quality results. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
KENTEK 700 Watt 700W 120MM Blue LED Fan Guard Grill Glossy Black ATX Power Supply Dual 12V Rails 2.3 EPS12V 2.92 PCI-E PCI-Express 6/8 Pin SATA 20/24 PIN Gaming Intel AMD by KENTEK Features
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Blue LED 120mm large fan Quiet Performance and High energy efficiency
- ATX 12V version 2.3 and EPS12V version 2.92 Spec PCI-Express 6 pin + 8 pin (6+2 pin)
- Glossy black color coating and Ball bearing fan and matel gurad grill
- Mash cable sleeve for easy cable management
- Short circuit and over voltage protection
Glossy Black finishing with 120mm 12cm blue LED fan. Type Standard ATX Design Maximum Power 700W Fans 1 Dimension W X H X L 5.9x3.4x5.5 inch Main Connector 20/24-pin x1 (20pin convertible), ATX 4 pin X 1, PCI-Express 6 pin X 1, PCI-Express 6+2 (8 PIN) pin X 1, SATA X 4, Molex 4 pin X 6, Floppy X 1* Above are all the connectors included in this power supply. your system may not need them all. it is fine to leave unused connectors unplugged. Hold-up Time: 16ms minimum with full load 115 VAC/60 HZ Efficiency: 70% Over Voltage Protection: YESInput Voltage: 100-120 vac / 200-240 vacInput Frequency Range: 50 / 60hzOutput: 700 Watt +3.3V 22A, +5V 22A, +12V1 21A, +12V2 21A, -12V 0.5A, +5VSB 2.0A MTBF: 100,000 Hours (11 years 2 months) * Excludes the life of the fanApprovals: SA, CB, FCC, TUV
Cheap KENTEK 700 Watt 700W 120MM Blue LED Fan Guard Grill Glossy Black ATX Power Supply Dual 12V Rails 2.3 EPS12V 2.92 PCI-E PCI-Express 6/8 Pin SATA 20/24 PIN Gaming Intel AMD by KENTEK
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