If you are looking for a high-quality product without causing a lot of damage to your wallet, The 1.8" LCD 20+4-pin Power Supply Tester w/8/6/4-pin Connectors is one that you should have. The 1.8" LCD 20+4-pin Power Supply Tester w/8/6/4-pin Connectors is a excellent product and we are pleased with its quality. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
1.8" LCD 20+4-pin Power Supply Tester w/8/6/4-pin Connectors Features
Please read product description below for more information about this product or click here for more details.
- 1.8-inch LCD 20+4-pin Power Supply Tester w/8/6/4-pin Connectors General Features:
- Voltage tester for your PCs power supply Easy to read1.8-inch LCD ATX, BTX and ITX compliant
- Aluminum casing +12V, +3.3V, +5V LED status lights Voltage Source: 20/24-pin ATX connector
- Voltage Tests: +12V -12V +5V -5V +3.3V 5V Standby (SB) 12V power good (P.G.)
- Unit Dimensions:
This Power Supply Tester with an easy to read 1.8-inch LCD gives you the tools to make sure that your power supply is fully operational and ready to work! It will tests 24-pin or 20-pin, floppy, HDD/CD-ROM, SATA, 4-pin (P4), 8-pin (Dual CPU) and 6-pin (PCI Express) connectors and is compliant with ATX, BTX and ITX power supplies! Use this Power Supply Tester to test your power supply if you don't have a motherboard to plug in to. But if you think that the power supply is bad and don't want to risk frying your motherboard, then this is the perfect device! Just plug it into the power supply's 24-pin ATX connector, and it will turn the power supply on. The LED lights will indicate the status of the voltage.
Cheap 1.8" LCD 20+4-pin Power Supply Tester w/8/6/4-pin Connectors
Cheap 1.8" LCD 20+4-pin Power Supply Tester w/8/6/4-pin Connectors
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