With so many great products on the market Rextin Universal Regulated 12V 30A 360W Power Supply Transformer 110V~240V For Led Strip is one that we recommend for you. The Rextin Universal Regulated 12V 30A 360W Power Supply Transformer 110V~240V For Led Strip is a popular and highest rated product in the market. Most people who have purchased and used this product are very impressed with its overall performance. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Rextin Universal Regulated 12V 30A 360W Power Supply Transformer 110V~240V For Led Strip Features
Please read product description below for more information about this product or click here for more details.
- Condition:100% Brand New
- Output Voltage: 12V DC
- Output Current:30A
- Input Voltage:110~240VAc 50/60Hz
Universal Regulated 12V 30A 360W Power Supply Transformer 110V~240V For Led Strip
Product Feature:
Widely used in Industrial automation, LED display, communications, etc.
100% Brand New
Input Voltage
100~240VAc 50/60Hz
Output Voltage
12V DC
Output Current
Shell Material
Metal case / Aluminum base
Shortage Protection, Overload Protection, Over Voltage Protection
Safety Compliance
Working Temperature
0~45℃ 20%-90%RH
Storage Temperature
-20℃ ~80℃ 10%~95%RH
No installation instruction, wiring cable, on/off switch, or screws come with. Professional installation of qualified electrician is highly recommended.
There are 4 models ,just please choose the one you need
DC 12V 30A 360W
L, N: AC power input
-V: DC power output "-"
+V: DC power output "+"
+V / ADJ: Adjust the output voltage
Package include:
1 X 12V 30A Power supply
Cheap Rextin Universal Regulated 12V 30A 360W Power Supply Transformer 110V~240V For Led Strip
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